July 13, 2009

Go Ahead...Take It

Dear Criminal,

I realize that it was pretty dumb for me to leave my GPS in plain sight of your crackhead addicted self, but I had out of state company in town and we were in need of groceries. So, with 3 kids in tow, we proceeded into the grocery store. Although I normally take my GPS down and/or with me, I thought that I could have a reasonable amount of security since it was the middle of the day in a well populated area.

I know that you don't care it was in the middle of the day and everyone could see you. You were surrounded by stores like Home Depot, Lowes, Red Lobster and Giant (the grocery store). I thought I had parked in a safe location. It was the front spot with only one available spot next to me. You thought differently.

So, you smashed in my driver's side window and started searching through MY personal belongings. The belongings that my husband has worked so very hard for and earned by serving his country for 24 years in the Marine Corps. He protects our country so that your crap for brains has the freedom to smash my window and take my belongings like it is your God given right.

You took my GPS, my cell phone charger and my child's Leapster. The Leapster that he cried the whole way home about. I hope you are happy.

Now here is where I laugh. You are a completely worthless degenerate. My GPS is a lockable unit. You cannot use it unless you go to the security location (which only I know) and/or enter a security code. Good luck with that moron! Your GED, criminal loving mind won't be able to process that. In addition, my child's Leapster had a rechargeable battery on it. So, once you play it (or your soon-to-be criminal child) long enough...the battery will die and it will be useless to anyone. I hope the cell phone charger fits your phone loser, so smashing my window was worth your while.

For future reference, please steal more stuff from people, because the insurance company will only cover non-vehicle items if it exceeds your deductible. I am dealing with "home owners" insurance and I have a $500.00 deductible. And, since you didn't steal more stuff...I don't think I have met my minimum. Thanks for the smashed window and the headache that has come with it. Thanks for scaring my children and for giving me no faith in society. My son wanted to know before he went to sleep what the bad people wanted with his Leapster. Maybe you could tell me that.

I hope you can wake up this morning and look yourself in the mirror. I feel sorry for you. My children learned a valuable lesson today. People like you exist and they aren't going anywhere. Thanks for that lesson. It is something that myself or my friends would never be able to teach them. You are worthless.

A productive member of society,